Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Red Dog Designs Who's 50th Anniversary: Bad Gas Exchange

*This product is Cruelty Free 

Red Dog Designs
Bad Gas Exchange

Okay, if you have followed me for long, you know I'm a Whovian, so I'm super excited to be showing you a Who-inspired collection from Red Dog Designs! There are 13 polishes in the collection and over the next few days, I'll be showing you all of them!

If you missed my previous posts on the who's 50th Collection, click the links below:

Doctor Donna
Fish Fingers and Custard
I Was Only Saying Hello
Bad Wolf
Silence Will Fall
Gallifrey Stands
All of Time and Space
The Angels Have the Phone Box

Bow Ties Are Cool
The Snowmen
Victory of the Daleks

Right now, I have Bad Gas Exchange for you. ♥  

ANNETTE BADLAND aka Margaret Blaine

Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen ("Margaret" when not in her "skin suit")

Ninth Doctor. Aliens of London
When the Slitheen are in their skin suits they fart loudly; they call this the gas exchange. The exchange of gases that compression entails also builds up within the acquired skin, causing a very loud fart in humans (the expelled gas smells like bad breath, which the Doctor noted was a form of calcium decay). Source

Continued after the jump...

Bad Gas Exchange is a clear-based glitter with various sizes of square and hex glitters in shades of green and silver/grey with a generous sprinkling of holo shimmer/micro-glitter. Perfectly suspended glitters in the base. Great formula. No issues.

First, I did a black and white mani and layered 2 light coats of Bad Gas Exchange over it with one coat of top coat, so you could get a good look at what's in it...

And then a matte top coat...

And then I wore it over all black...

Matted, of course...


What do you think? For some reason, I'm leaning toward this one as my favorite of the collection so far! 

I still have one more of the Red Dog Designs Who's 50th Anniversary Collection to show you so GO NOWHERE!

Red Dog Designs polishes, including Who's 50th Anniversary Collection, can be purchased now at the Red Dog Designs site here and they retail for $10 each for 15 mL bottles. You can also follow her on Facebook for news and information as well as swatches of all her creations. And YES, international shipping!


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  1. Very extensive overview of the Slitheen! They are one of the things that I think of when I think of Nine. That and Lady Cassandra (moisturize me!) and of course, Captain Jack Harkness.
    This polish is really pretty, just like the other ones you've shown :)

  2. This is a really pretty glitter! Much prettier than the Slitheen! LOL

  3. Glitter overload! :) I love this!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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