Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Scofflaw Nail Varnish Winter 2014 Collection: Ruff Tuff Creampuff

*This product is Cruelty Free 

Tonight continues swatches of the new Scofflaw Winter 2014 Collection set to launch January 5th, 2013. Tonight is Ruff Tuff Creampuff!

Here's what the creator had to say about this collection and her inspiration: Now, you may have noticed I don't really do 'collections', per se. Only in the most vague way. If the winter collection had a theme, it would be the idea of 'comfort'. My go-to colors. Colors that make me feel cozy. Polish names that give me a warm fuzzy - you get the idea!


I've decided to give each one of these beauties its own post so I could show you both in artificial lighting and indirect natural lighting without trying to keep it short. Then I will do a round-up post so they'll all be in one place for future reference.

Continued after the jump...

Ringing in the New Year...and Barbies

Nothing to Disclose

To all who are planning on a fabulous night out ringing in the New Year in high style - KUDOS! Stay safe and have fun....

...but just one question before you go if it's not too much trouble?  What, exactly, makes a fabulous night out? I love to laugh. I have fun. And yet, I think I'm missing the "party" gene. I can't even define "partying."

It's like barbies. I used to call my best friend and the conversation would go something like this:

Me: What are you doing?
Her: Playing with barbies.
Me: But what are you DOING?
Her: I told you, I'm playing with barbies.
Me: I know but what are you DOING with the barbies?
Her: Just playing with them.
Me: I mean HOW are you playing with them.
Her: What do you mean?
Me: I mean tell me exactly what you're doing with them.
Her: Well... (silence) What? Are you writing a book? I gotta go. (click)

Yes Cindy, I'm talking about YOU!

I just couldn't figure out how to play with them. They didn't DO anything. You could change their clothes over and over but I never got past that - and how is that even fun? Did I just not have an imagination?

I don't think that was it because I could sit down with a blank sheet of paper and a pen and write fantastically absurd stories, transporting myself to other worlds and other lifetimes. And draw colorful "masterpieces" in which each mark had a specific meaning. Or create secret languages. Heck, wrapping a handkerchief around my eyes and feeling my way around the house (you know in case I ever went blind) was more fun than barbies for crying out loud!

photo cred: dollreference.com

How many times can you pose them or change their clothes?

I just sucked at barbies.

In the same way, I suspect, that I suck at partying. I can't figure out exactly HOW to party and when I ask? Well, after the odd looks I get when they realize I'm seriously asking such a ridiculous question, I get answers much like my friend gave about playing with barbies. So I guess you either know how or you don't?

Maybe if I had a friend close by who was a partier, I could tag along and figure it out, but I suspect that trying to dissect it would kill it. It can't JUST be drinking. In my younger days, I went with my husband to a few NYE parties at bars. Had a few drinks, danced a few dances, laughed. Is that "partying?" It certainly didn't feel like the blurry, incoherent view I have semi-formed in my head of what partying is. I looked at my watch, tried to "pretend drink" the nasty but obligatory glass of champagne at midnight, wondered if the dogs were okay, enjoyed the kiss at midnight and made a bee-line for home. Am I a stick-in-the-mud?

Or maybe...just maybe I'm the "slow kid in class" who turns out to be so far ahead of the class that I'm just bored? Yeah, that's it! (She thought wishfully.)

So this year, I'm staying home with the dogs. I have Murphy now, a rescue who's 100 pounds of love and scared of his own shadow. He hates fireworks, so he will be inside, under Mommy's feet. Safe.

And don't even get me started on "making resolutions" for the new year. Yeah, I won't be doing that.

I will be making THIS sign to hang in my office though.

You know...just so I don't forget.

Happy New Year!!!!

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Top Re-Pins in 2013 for Pointless Cafe

Products featured in this post are products 
that were purchased by and sent for review

I lied. I have one last "round-up" post for 2013 - the most re-pinned pins on Pointless Cafe's Pinterest Boards! (which is actually listed under "scottishlass10")

Continued after the jump...

Top 20 Most Popular Posts for 2013 on Pointless Cafe

*This post contains products purchased by ME
and products sent for review

Time for the last "round-up" post of the year! These posts were the most popular posts on Pointless Cafe in 2013 as determined by page views. I've omitted my "Best of 2013" posts and Giveaway posts from the calculations.

So what did YOU, as the reader, show me were your favorite posts of the year on Pointless Cafe? All links to the posts are in the photo captions.

Continued after the jump...

Monday, December 30, 2013

Scofflaw Nail Varnish Winter 2014 Collection: Chromosaurus Hex

*This product is Cruelty Free 

I am SO excited because tonight I begin showing you the new Scofflaw Winter 2014 Collection set to launch January 5th, 2013.

Here's what the creator had to say about this collection and her inspiration: Now, you may have noticed I don't really do 'collections', per se. Only in the most vague way. If the winter collection had a theme, it would be the idea of 'comfort'. My go-to colors. Colors that make me feel cozy. Polish names that give me a warm fuzzy - you get the idea!

Scofflaw Nail Varnish Winter 2014 Collection

I've decided to give each one of these beauties its own post so I could show you both in artificial lighting and indirect natural lighting without trying to keep it short. Then I will do a round-up post so they'll all be in one place for future reference.

Continued after the jump...

Kiko 385 "Pastel Blue" - Swatches and Review - and a Comparison

Nothing to Disclose
*This product is Cruelty Free 

I swear the Kiko names get lost in translation from Italian to English because this one is not what I would call pastel blue - at least to MY eyes! Maybe a Cornflower Blue? But it's such a gorgeous shade that you know I had to show it.

Kiko 385

This one is a vibrant blue that also has a touch of purple making it *almost* a periwinkle but not quite, I just couldn't capture it. The formula, as is the norm with Kiko, is like butter. Smooth and easy.

Continued after the jump...

From the Vault: Nail Art Odds and Ends and Koh Colours

Nothing to Disclose 

More things I found I just didn't get around to posting - this time, some nail art. I TOLD you guys I was practicing more this year!  Most of these were done as practice with an existing mani I was about to remove. I've found that's the best time for me to practice. Less pressure since I'm about to remove the mani anyway. And sometimes some of these stayed, which would make them Extend-A-Manis I guess!

Continued after the jump...

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Last Rant of the Year: Thievery

Nothing to Disclose 

I'm sure many of you in the nail art world have discussed and re-discussed this topic into the ground already. I've remained silent until now for two reasons: 1) I'm mainly a swatch blogger and only do nail art for fun and 2) My blog has always strived to remain drama-free. I still intend to be drama-free as I'm not jumping into the fray.

But I do want to talk about how I feel about the entire MissJenFabulous thievery and the resulting backlash.

If you don't know what's going on, I recommend watching Zenorah's YouTube Video first and then I'll give my thoughts.

It's been widely known among nail artists that MissJenFabulous frequently showcases nail art directly copied from real nail artists and bloggers and passes them off as her own - and makes money from it in addition to getting published with someone else's stolen designs. Zenorah calmly gives links and examples and sticks to the facts without personal attacks in an attempt to make others aware. People who follow this particular person aren't likely aware because all comments that point out who should have credit for a particular design are promptly deleted.

Here's where I have a problem, though. There is a real hate campaign going on in which photos of MissJenFabulous have been dug up and are circulating. Photos that are just a tad risque. Now I've seen the photos and it's nothing you don't see on Facebook every day so I find nothing really scandalous about them at all. But why? To what end? How is it relevant at all?

There was a valid complaint. What she's doing is WRONG. The facts are all that were needed and this sort of crap (photos that have nothing to do with stealing from artists) just serves to invalidate the people posting/spreading it. It has ZERO to do with the issue at hand. What the hell people?

The part that scares me is the lack of common sense I guess. Gradients are a technique. Do I need to research who did the first ever gradient and give credit? Common sense says no. But if I don't will I be accused of stealing? I mean maybe not on THAT - it was just an example. The point is, can we trust people to use common sense? Nope, unfortunately we can't. 

I do my own designs OR I give credit when I am doing Copy Caturday or even if I'm "inspired by." Unless it's like candy canes at Christmas. Everyone does them. I don't think credit is necessary there unless you're copying a very unique take on candy canes and doing it exactly

But have I done my own thing and not been "inspired by" anyone else at all and then still felt the need to google to find someone to link just to cover myself? Yes. Should I have to do that? No. 

What she's doing is 100% WRONG and not the same thing at all as what I'm talking about. But are people sensible enough to know the difference? 

I'm beginning to wonder.

There is a fine line here and I really hope people employ common sense.

I am an artist myself - acrylics on canvas mostly. And I can tell you that when your intellectual property is stolen it's a horrible feeling. Yes, more horrible than if your house is burglarized. That's happened to me too. This is much more personal and hurtful in my opinion. And when they take full credit and even make money and get published using YOUR intellectual property? YOUR hard work? It's not only a horrible thing to do, it's illegal. She hasn't stolen from me that I know of. I don't follow her at all anymore on any social media and it's not like I'm cranking out the nail art but I do have nail art designs that I've created, so because I am open to thievery as well, I do have a right to my opinion.

But just state the facts. Show the proof. There are plenty of examples. Plenty of material with dates. Plenty of photo evidence. WHY on earth would anyone think a vile hate campaign with stupid irrelevant photos of the person in question be anything but detrimental to their cause?

And so what if it's not your work being copied this time. If you don't stand up against it with them, who's going to stand up against it with you when it happens to you?

Zenorah did it the right way I think.

And that's my 37¢ worth for today.

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Weekend Bits and Bobs: December 29, 2013 - Makeup Favorites for 2013

Nothing to Disclose

Today I have something a bit different. Polish I know backwards and forwards. Makeup, not so much. Goodness knows I'm not a make up blogger, but I've spent this year trying to learn more and picking out a few things here and there that I love. Today I'll show you my favorites that I've tried. Items that have become essentials in my makeup bag.

Continued after the jump...

Extend-A-Mani: Blue Flowers

Nothing to Disclose

Today I have a quick and easy Extend-A-Mani post for you over Chanel Fantastic #481. I've taken Kiko #385 and a plain white creme for quick flowers (note that these aren't detailed or difficult - more abstract - the "suggestion of"). I used Kiko 347 and 394 for the stems/vines.

I used a small flat brush and dipped the corner in white and then in blue. When I touched the brush to the nail, I sort of give is a slight twist and pull up quickly. It's much easier with acrylic paint but for some reason I always use nail polish instead. I used a striping brush for the thinner lines but I really do need more brushes because mine are falling apart LOL!

It only took less than 5 minutes and it's a whole new mani.

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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Nail of the Day: Chanel Fantastic #481

Nothing to Disclose
*This product may NOT be Cruelty Free 

Just a quick NOTD for you with Chanel Fantastic #481. This is an older one and I'm not sure where, other than places like eBay, you can get it anymore. But it's so pretty I had to show you.

It's just such a gorgeous shade of berry-burgundy and the shimmer is perfection. Two coats and no top coat for the photos.

I recommend grabbing this one if you see it for sale on blogs or eBay.

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From the Vaults: NerdLacquer, a-England, Nails Inc., piCture pOlish and Some Nail Art

Nothing to Disclose

Throughout the year, there are several swatches I don't show you for various reasons: I run out of time, I'm not happy with the photos because of clean-up, I lose them, I forget about them or I think I've posted when I haven't.

So today I have several more that I neglected to show for one or more of those reasons. These include random nail art/accent nails, piCture pOlish, Nails Inc., a-England and NerdLacquer.

Continued after the jump...

Friday, December 27, 2013

Chanel Spring 2014: Charivari and Tapage - Swatches, Review and Comparisons

Nothing to Disclose
*These products may NOT be Cruelty Free 

Notes du Printemps Spring 2014
Charivari #603 and Tapage #605

Chanel is releasing 3 nail polishes with their Notes du Printemps Spring 2014 Collection. Charivari, Tapage and Ballerina. Of course Ballerina (#167) is a re-release and much too sheer/light for me, so I just have the two new ones for you.

At the end I have a few comparisons for you - not because there's anything really close to either of them, but just to give you an idea of where the shades fall compared to colors you know.

Continued after the jump...

Julep Evangeline: Swatches and Review

Nothing to Disclose
*This product is Cruelty Free 

Continuing my "from the vault" posts for the end of the year, I'm showing you an older one that I just didn't get a chance to show you back when I swatched it.


Continued after the jump...

Nails Inc. Southwark, Electric Blue Comparisons and a Water Marble

Nothing to Disclose
*This product is Cruelty Free 

Over the next few days I'll be showing you random polishes I swatched and didn't get the chance to post. Cleaning out the vaults, so to speak. Gotta get ready for the new year!

This morning I have a great electric blue that I managed to include in a few comparisons but didn't review or show you properly: Nails Inc. Southwark.

Southwark (pronounced Suthuck for the American readers) is a bright electric blue crelly. Great formula, opaque in 3 light coats on longer nails but I found two sufficient for my nails here. No top coat for the photos.

I did some comparisons by request...you can click the link in the caption to see my full post.

Southwark vs Baker Street

And a comparison with a few other royal/electric blues...

Electric Blue comparison

And one of my water marble attempts using Southwark and Nails Inc. Westminster, a medium-to-dark violet purple, and a plain white creme...

Southwark and Tudor Way are my two favorite BLUE Nails Inc. polishes. Nails Inc. is *supposed* to be opening a US site soon and I'm hoping that will mean greater access for the US because I'm needing a backup of a few Nails Inc. polishes, including Tudor Way, Southwark, Holland Park Road and many others. I adore this brand - especially the cremes and crellies.

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Thursday, December 26, 2013

How to "Fix" Old Nail Polish the Right Way

Nothing to Disclose

UPDATE! Sometimes ranting works! The article I link to below that was telling everyone to
add nail polish remover to polish to fix it has since been changed (in every place but one)
to read THINNER not REMOVER!  You guys must have made them "see the light!"

This is a combination RANT post and "How To" post.

The RANT is WikiHow. Someone (not sure how WikiHow works really) has posted an article with the exact WRONG information about nail polish and apparently several people have tried to correct them - to keep people from ruining their polish - only to have their corrections/posts DELETED.

So I thought I'd do a quick post for those who don't already know.

Here's the article: http://www.wikihow.com/Remove-Clumps-from-Nail-Polish

I don't know who wrote it or why they refuse to allow themselves to be corrected (I tried once the other day but it didn't work, so I'm not mad because my post was deleted since it never went through) but a lot of "muggles" are going to ruin a lot of nail polish if they believe the misinformation in that article.

Again, I'm sure most of you guys know how to use thinner, but there are lots of people who don't even know 1) there's a product called thinner and 2) that it's not the same thing as remover.

I personally use Seche Restore but there are many brands available, including a Sally Beauty Supply brand I think.

The ingredients in Seche Restore are Butyl Acetate, Toluene and Isopropyl Alcohol.

The main ingredient in most removers is acetone. Yes even in removers like Zoya's Remove+.

While this might work for one use (if that), it will ruin the polish.

Thinner is added a drop or two (or sometimes more) at a time to a thick or goopy polish or one that is starting to dry out to restore it to its normal consistency. It's cheap and works wonders and while it might be tempting to use remover, just know that while it might make it usable that one time (if you hurry) it WILL ruin the polish forever after and you might as well toss it in the garbage.

Thinners, such as Seche Restore, usually retail for between $5 and $9 a bottle and will last practically forever. I've had the bottle shown above for several years and it's not even 1/3 used up. And I use it more than most people would just because I use and deal with a LOT of polish for the blog. Seche Restore is available at Ulta and I'm sure more places. I think I got mine at Sally Beauty. I haven't tried the other brands, but there are several out there.

So PLEASE don't ruin your polish with remover!

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Dandy Nails DandyGraphic Collection - Swatches and Review

*These products are Cruelty Free 

Dandy Nails
DandyGraphics Collection

The DandyGraphics Collection is a great 5-polish collection of outstanding holo goodness. They all 5 had great formula and application - two coats for opacity. And they look great with or without a top coat. Of course I prefer them without as usual. I also think these would be great for stamping, but I haven't tried yet. All photos are with two coats and no top coat.

Continued after the jump...

butter LONDON Pistol Pink - Swatches and Review

Nothing to Disclose
*This product is Cruelty Free 

butter LONDON
Pistol Pink

Pistol Pink is a rich, magenta pink creme polish loaded with pink shimmer and iridescent clear/silver micro-flakes! It's actually sort of mulberry. The formula and application on this one were like a perfect creme polish and the micro-flakes are amazing. No issues to report at all.

Continued after the jump...

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Murphy Dog Takes Over and Tells His Greatest Christmas Wish

discloshur (I am a dawg)

Hi! It's me, Murphy!

Mommy is takin' the day off for Christmas so I get to talk to you today. Me an' my sister Twinkie want to say Happy Howlidays to all of you and thank you for all the kisses and belly rubs you send us when Mommy posts our pictures. She is proud of us - we know 'cause she tells us all the time. We are good dogs, Mommy says.

This is the picture we made for you yesterday...

I was takin' a nap in the sun on our doggie futon Mommy keeps for us in her office. We like to be with her all the time - even when she's workin'. She likes to have us with her because she loves us!

We're havin' a good Christmas 'cause Mommy got us new collars and didn't make us wear weird clothes. And we didn't even have to have a B-A-T-H! Mommy spells it out but we still know it means bath 'cause we are smart! What it IS is...just when we get back to smellin' right and fully dawg, the human gives us one of these B-A-T-Hs with water and takes away all the good smells and makes us stink with fru-fru stuff.

Humans are weird.

Sometimes right after a bath, we can find something good to roll in outside. We get on our backs and roll and roll and get the dead bird or whatever it is all deep in our fur and make everything right again. Happy! And then Mommy gives us ANOTHER B-A-T-H. But we love her anyway.

We also got more toys to play with. A new Frisbee for Twinkie and a new Kong for me. For the longest time I didn't understand what toys were or how to "play." I don't remember much from before Mommy, but it wasn't fun. No one ever petted me or taught me how to play or gived me enough to eat. Human hands were only for hitting me and sometimes they used sticks like the kind Mommy uses to sweep and mop with. It hurt to walk because my paw pads were shredded and I was scared all the time and very sad. Mommy says there was no light in my eyes.

Mommy might give us B-A-T-Hs but she's nothing like the other humans I knew before. She always gives me food and love and kisses. She pets me and hugs me and plays with me. Twinkie tries to teach me stuff too. She's pretty bossy but I love her anyway. But I know Mommy would never use her hands to hit me. Hers are only for loving me. And when she gets out the sticks, she never hits me with them. She just cleans up the floor with them. I love Mommy. I can walk and even run without it hurting my paws! And I weigh almost as much as Mommy now! When I got here, I weighed less than half what I weigh now and I barely had the energy to stand up long enough to pee. (Oh and I learned to lift my leg too!) And I even learned how to jump up on the futon and bed! I didn't know how to jump before.

I don't know why the other humans didn't love me. I was such a good boy. I know 'cause Mommy tells me all the time what a good boy I am. I never bother anything of hers or chew or tear stuff up and I do whatever Mommy tells me. Before Mommy got me, I had given up. Humans were cruel and even though I was a very good boy I just didn't want to live anymore 'cause being alive wasn't nice at all...it was just hurt.

So before Mommy makes me get off the 'puter I just want to tell you MY Christmas wish.

I wish that no doggies had to live like I did before Mommy got me. I wish there weren't those other kind of humans. I wish I knew why those other kinds of humans exist.

I wish all humans like Mommy would go and rescue other good dogs like me.

I wish everyone who wanted a puppy would THINK first. Decide if they could take good care of one like Mommy does me. Mommy says the vet costs a lot of money but I'm worth it.

I wish people wouldn't buy puppies from pet stores. There are LOTS of doggies like I was. Good dogs who just want to love you and be loved...without anyone to love them. If you go rescue a doggie like me, you wouldn't EVER be sorry 'cause they would love you SO MUCH. They would be loyal and faithful and never ever let anything happen to you and love you forever and ever until they die.

I wish all doggies were as blessed as I am this year.

And here are some photos of us. Mommy says we are her beautiful babies!

Happy HOWLidays!!! ♥

If you want to read other posts by me and Twinks or about dogs, Mommy put some links below.

Dogs Deserve Better
Beach Time!

And now she's making me get off 'cause it's time to go outside. It's so pretty out today and warm. She said we might even get to go for a boat ride today!

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve Nail Art: Christmas Skittles

Nothing to Disclose

I have another quick and easy Christmas mani for you!

This one is just a Christmas Skittles mani with a candy cane on the index, a Christmas Tree on the ring and the others are a base of SoFlaJo Evergreen with Elevation Polish Yeti Loves the Holidays.

I love how quick and easy nail art for Christmas can be - let your imagination go wild and have fun!

I have an idea for another Christmas mani I'm trying today and if it even half-way turns out, I'll show you tonight!


Check out all the other great holiday manis below and show them some love!

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Christmas Eve Nail Art: Snowflakes and Gift Wrap

Nothing to Disclose

Merry Christmas Eve!

Getting a late start on some Christmas nail art, so I just did a simple free-hand Snowflake mani with a gift wrapped accent nail.

I did a gradient with Sinful Colors Rainstorm and a plain black creme and snowflakes in Milani Flashy Silver. On the accent nail I used a Milani Flashy Silver base and Zoya Livingston for the red bow.

Check out my lovely Scottish Santa ornament! Thank you so much Marnie! He's just perfect!

Check out all the other awesome Holiday Manis below!

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Monday, December 23, 2013

Nail Art Round-Up for 2013

Nothing to Disclose

Remember at the beginning of the year I vowed to TRY more nail art even though I sucked? You know, practice makes perfect and all?

Well I did make a concerted effort to do more nail art and step out of my comfort zone!

Continued after the jump...

Pointless Cafe's Best of 2013 Part 6: Best Polish of 2013

Nothing to Disclose

Today I have the final post in my Best of 2013 series. As I said already, it was NOT easy this year for sure because this has been the best year for polish that I can remember...ever.

Part SIX

1: Top 15 Mainstream Brand Polishes - published
2: Top 10 Boutique Brand Polishes - published
3: Highlight: Top Five Indie Brands (with my favorites from each) - published
4: Top Indie Polishes of 2013 (excluding the Highlighted Brands) - published
5: Brand of the Year (with my top 15 from this brand) - published
6: Polish of the Year - published

By best polish - I mean overall of mainstream, indies, everything. And the winner is...

Sleeping Palace

I've worn this polish so often since it came out in May that I've nearly finished one bottle and I have 2 back-ups just in case. It's the polish I get the most compliments on as well. I had to order a 4th bottle just this week for a "muggle" friend who's never ordered polish on-line. It's part of the Burne-Jones Dream Collection.

The formula is perfection in a bottle. When I'm in a hurry I can do one quick coat and be out the door in less than 3 minutes. Yes, I've timed it! When I know I can leave it on for a few days, I do 2 coats and a top coat and it outlasts ME with no chips and very minimal tip wear. Usually I wear it without top coat (as pictured above) because I love that finish.

And that's not even starting on how gorgeous it is. The tightly scattered holo and the hard-to-describe brown/grey/taupe/aubergine color just combine to make it my favorite polish ever. Yes I said ever...not just for 2013. There's always a chance that will change, but it's going to have to be something pretty spectacular to oust this one!

Well that takes care of my Best of 2013 posts. What did you think?

What is YOUR favorite polish of 2013? Post a photo of your favorite polish of 2013 on my Facebook Page for a chance to win one bottle of any Elevation Polish of your choice (that is currently available on their site.) On January 4th (11:59 PM) I'll use Random.Org to pick one winner of all who post their favorite polish of 2013 on my page. Tag your post with #bestpolishof2013forPC. I'm not advertising this anywhere but here. No liking, sharing, following required. ANY brand as long as it's your favorite that made its debut this year. So if you've read this far, THANK YOU!

I got these beauties from Ninja Polish and if you're in the UK, you can order directly from a England. You can follow a England on Facebook to stay in the know. You can also have a look at the a England Stocklist page for more e-tailers in your area, including Ninja Polish, Overall BeautyMei Mei's Signatures, Color4Nails and Llarowe.

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