Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Nail of the Day - Gradient

*These Products are Cruelty Free 

Today I have (surprise surprise) a headache. Day two. BAH! But I have pretty nails at least, because I don't have the desire or energy to change them. Happy accident. I have TONS of stuff to show you but no way could I do them justice for you right now so here's my NOTD.







Yesterday, after two and a half days of wearing Colors by Llarowe Sparkles Are a Girl's Best Friend, which is a record in itself lately with all the swatching I do, I didn't feel like moving, much less doing my nails, so I took 5 minutes and a sponge and did a quick gradient with Colors by Llarowe Black Gold Texas Tea. So basically, this is day 4 of the same polish. *faint* But it's so pretty. I've gotten loads of compliments on it, mostly from MEN of all people! Men never seem to notice my nails. LOL!

What do you think? I love gradients because they're so quick and easy.

Back soon with more swatches for you!

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  1. Words cannot describe how much I love this mani!

  2. Stunning <3 I love these colours so much!

  3. I'm loving this, such pretty colors.

  4. Yes Stunning! Just like you :)

  5. I love it! I wish I could do gradients so nicely, lol!

    Hope you're felling better soon.

  6. Men be like - Oooh, Shiny! heheh ;)

  7. This is a lovely mani; one I would enjoy for date night <3

  8. Love how subtle this gradient is! Pink to Purple is one of my favorite combos <3


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