Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Digit-al Dozen Does Autumn: Autumnal Drybrush


The Digital Dozen
Autumnal Drybrush

Happy Wednesday! It's day three of the Digit-al Dozen Autumn week and I have a really easy dry brush anyone can do!

Just pic 3 shades that say AUTUMN to you and have fun!

I honestly wish I hadn't gotten suddenly all cleany and organizy and stuff and, you know, put things back where they belonged. *faint* I'm not sure what got into me. But I honestly have no idea which polishes I used for this mani. I know the base and the green were both Zoyas and the black was Wet n Wild Wildshine Black Creme. Really though, this technique is so easy and will work with any shades you pick out.

A better look...

And you know I had to matte it. Because MATTE!

Be sure to check out what the other Digital Dozen members have for you today in the links below!

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