Thursday, January 23, 2014

Pahlish: One Last Bow Duo for January 2014

*This product is Cruelty Free 

One Last Bow Duo

Eleven's Hour is Now Over & The Clock Strikes Twelve's

Pahlish's January Duo, One Last Bow, is a nod to Doctor Who! And that got points with me before I even saw the shades!

Continued after the jump...

Eleven's Hour is Now Over is a gorgeous dark, sultry grey polish packed full of multi-colored micro-flakes and a sprinkling of silver shimmer. Formula and application were perfect. No issues at all. Two coats and one coat of top coat. (This one dries to a satin/semi-gloss finish.) Bye, Matt!

Artificial lighting...

Indirect natural lighting...


The Clock is Striking Twelve's is a clear-based glitter topper with grey and holographic grey hexes with smaller black hexes and matte grey squares and what looks to be a sprinkling of iridescent micro-flakes. No issues with this one either - the glitters are well-suspended, come out easily and sit flat against the nail. Since this is a duo, I started to layer it over Eleven's Hour is Now Over, but I wanted you to be able to see everything in this one on its own. They are gorgeous together though! So, I've layered this one over a plain grey creme (Essence Movie Star). One coat of Clock and one coat of top coat. Hello Sweetie! Er, uh...Mr. Capaldi!


You  know my love for greys and flakes and to have them in one polish? *faint* So naturally, Eleven's is my favorite. What do you think?

You can purchase Pahlish on their Big Cartel site here or at Overall Beauty or Llarowe. Polishes retail for $9 and $15 for Duos.

You can also visit Pahlish on FacebookOverall Beauty on Facebook and Llarowe on Facebook for more information.

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  1. LOVE Eleven's Hour is Over Now! (The Pahlish, not that his hour is over. LOL)

  2. I broke my no-buy for this duo! Absolutely gorgeous.

  3. Look at all those colors in Eleven's Hour! What an amazing polish. And the duo is sold out, sigh. If I were made of money I'd be buying every shimmer Shannon made, love her creations....

  4. That dark grey's so pretty, especially sans topper!

  5. Buy ALL the grey polish! I love the flakes in Eleven's Hour is Now Over <3


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