Monday, November 11, 2013

Glitter Gal Revisited: Lizard Belly and Nude - Swatches and Review

*These products are Cruelty Free 

Today I am revisiting two of my favorites from Glitter Gal - Lizard Belly and Nude. These were among the first linear holos I ever tried and I've been hooked ever since. Hopefully, I've improved since the first time I posted these but I'll link to my old posts later and you can be the judge.

A little background on Glitter Gal Australia
Both Anna and Kerry have been friends for many years and partnered together to create Glitter Gal Australia. With Kerry's experience as a makeup artist and Anna’s background in creating/suppling “private label” products to other Australian companies they have designed Glitter Gal Australia,  a great makeup and nail polish range. Glitter Gal products are safe, truly unique and premium.  

Glitter Gal
Lizard Belly and Nude

My nails are shorter this time and hopefully my photos are a bit more clear.

Continued after the jump...

Lizard Belly is a deep blackened teal linear holographic polish. The formula and application are perfection. There was no dragging or fear of over-manipulation at all. Perfect in 2 coats and self-leveling. No issues to report at all. I've used two coats and no top coat for the photos. (Note: top coat does not affect the holo properties, so if you like that super-shiny finish, no worries!)

Artificial lighting...

Indirect natural lighting...

Full sun...


Nude is a light tan or champagne linear holographic polish with strong blue and purple rainbow arcs. Same great formula as Lizard Belly. No issues to report. Two coats should be fine if your nails aren't horribly stained like mine. I used three coats (just to hide the staining so it didn't affect the true color of the polish) and no top coat for the photos.

Artificial lighting...

Indirect natural lighting...

Full sun...

And I would be remiss if I didn't mention how awesome this one is layered over other shades. Here, I've layered one light coat over a plain black creme. WOW!

Artificial lighting...

Full sun...


What do you think of these? I knew I would love Lizard Belly, but I never dreamed I would love Nude even more. Since I first got these polishes I've worn them a lot but I've worn Nude TWICE as often! And those of you who know me know that's weird for me. My skin is very pale so finding any sort of "neutral" polish that works with my skin-tone is difficult. Nude is one that has enough coolness to work for me and I think enough warmth to work with warm-toned skin as well.

And here are my previous posts on these two:
Lizard Belly

Glitter Gal uses a very specific kind of holographic pigment and I can really see the difference between these and some other holo polishes on the market.

Here's how Glitter Gal explains it : 
"We use 'true' holographic particles in our formulation.  This one ingredient is 30 times more expensive than any other nail polish ingredient. Thus making our holographic nail polish the highest quality possible. You will notice the smoothness to the finish of polish and reflective effects are amazing. They are also the “Big 3 Free”. 

Glitter Gal products can be purchased online on (international delivery) and at their various stocklists around the world (including Harlow and Company, Ninja Polish, MeiMei's Signatures and Llarowe)Two sizes - their 15ml bottles, which are beautifully boxed in premium packaging, or their 10ml size, which is what I show in my photos. Suggested retail price:  10ml - $11.95 and 15ml - $17.95.

For more information, please refer to Glitter Gal's website and check them out on the Glitter Gal Facebook page and on Twitter  and the Glitter Gal blog. You can also subscribe to the Glitter Gal newsletter for new releases, news and information on giveaways and competitions.

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  1. I love the Glitter Gal Holos, i have some of them ;)
    I don't have Lizard Belly yet, but i need it :D
    I love Nude !

  2. So glad I have both of these! Amazing pics!


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