Friday, January 11, 2013

Pure Ice All Night Long

Good Morning! Today I have another "thrifty" polish to show you: Pure Ice All Night Long.

All Night Long is a great navy blue shimmer polish. It went on smoothly and easily and I used two coats for full opacity - no top coat for photos! No issues to report. The formula is fantastic. This isn't one I won from the recent #NailBasel and #PureYou contests Pure Ice has been having on their Facebook page, but be sure that I will be showing you those on the blog over the next few months.

Pure Ice All Night Long

But before I show you more of All Night Long, I want to show you what I received yesterday! A HUGE box yesterday with my winnings...can you even believe this?

I used 16 Pure Ice polishes to create the #NailBasel winner...

Freehand Butterfly Wings

And the winning photo for the #PureYou contest...

Okay, so here are the rest of the All Night Long photos...

Pure Ice All Night Long

Pure Ice All Night Long

Pure Ice All Night Long

Pure Ice All Night Long

Pure Ice All Night Long

Pure Ice All Night Long

Pure Ice All Night Long

What do you think of this gorgeous blue?

Pure Ice polishes are available at Walmart stores and retail for around $1.98 each. You can also purchase them from their Bari Cosmetics website here.

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  1. This is such a stunning color and stunning on you!! It certainly is in competition with some of the high end polishes you see!

    And congrats on your great winnings haul. Thatsalottapureice!! :) Your pics are fantastic. The top one certainly give me a butterfly effect, and the second is so simple and classy; perfection!

  2. That butterfly effect mani was just beautiful and deserved top prize. It must have taken you ages! Beautifully done.

  3. I love the colour. How does it compare to Zoya Song?

  4. oh wow! Congrats! Look at all the pretty colors! *drool*

  5. Congratulations, that is awesome!! :D

  6. that is a beautiful blue, your swatch photos are gorgeous! Congrats on your win, that's awesome!

  7. That is a gorgeous blue! But I love me some blue polishes:)

  8. i love he dark blue color!it'll look good on my nails.

  9. Just browsing and found this. I love Pure Ice polish. This is gorgeous! Love your winning mani too!!! xx


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