Monday, August 13, 2012

Orly Decoded, Shockwave and Mermaid's Tale - Swatches and Review

Today I have a few Orly polishes for you. Decoded and Shockwave are from their Electronica for Autumn 2012 Collection and Mermaid's Tale is one of the 22 new polishes in their Flash Glam FX Collection.

Let's start with Decoded. This one is a blue-based medium grey creme. Application was smooth and easy and I used two coats for opacity. No top coat. In some light it's a great grey and in others, the dusty blue shines. Great color!

Orly Decoded - here's the GREY look

See how blue it looks in intense light?

Orly Decoded - see the dusty blue start to shine?

Orly Decoded

Orly Shockwave is a great blue creme. It's royal blue in intense light and in lower lighting you can see some of the dusty grey undertones coming through. Creamy formula, great application. Two coats for near-opacity. I say "near" because it does have a bit of a crelly look about it and there's still a tiny bit of VNL (visible nail line) with two coats. Dries very shiny - no top coat in the photos.

Orly Shockwave

Orly Shockwave

Orly Shockwave

Finally, I layered Orly Mermaid's Tale over Shockwave and Decoded. Mermaid's Tale is green and blue glitter in a clear base. Formula was a tiny bit thick but application was easy. No placing of glitters - went on smoothly. Index finger has three coats over my bare nail, two coats over Shockwave on middle and pinky fingers and two coats over Decoded over ring finger. One coat of Gelous on all.

Orly Mermaid's Tale

Orly Mermaid's Tale

Orly Mermaid's Tale

So what do you think about these? Do you have any of them? I think my favorite is Mermaid's Tale over Decoded.

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  1. I love all of these!! I really didn't think I needed any of those glitters but I really like this one.

  2. I love the Decoded/Mermaids Yale combo too!

  3. These are all beautiful! I haven't been excited about Orly, but after your post, I'm going to hit my local Sally's!! :-)

  4. My favorite is Mermaid's Tale over Decoded too!

  5. All three look very pretty and I want them in my collection :P

  6. I have Preamp, but now I see that I have to buy Decoded too! :-)

  7. Shockwave looks awesome in sunlight!

  8. I picked up Mermaid's Tale, but I haven't tried it yet. Now that I've seen these I've got to try it out myself!

  9. I just love Orly polish! I think Decoded is awesome, and one I need to add to my collection since grey is not a prominent color when I look through my stash! I would have thought to add Mermaid's Tail over Shockwave, but I don't think the green glitter and grey combo would have ever crossed my mind! It's great though, and I thank you for helping me see outside the box!


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