My Polish Collection

For the record, for all those who like to judge without the facts, I review a LOT of polish. I buy some and I donate boxes of polish, usually every month, to nursing homes, women's shelters, etc. BOXES.

Click on the link to view my spreadsheet.

My Polish Collection

If you see anything you want swatched, please let me know!

I've decided that I will never have all my polishes put away in their proper places so minus about 50 - 75 polishes - collections I'm swatching right now, new stuff I haven't put away yet, etc., here are some photos of my latest set-up with the new lil wire racks I found in the bath section at Walmart for $6.95 each. I love them! I still haven't built the rest of the shelves or cleared out wall space and knowing me, that could be a LONG time coming.

For the most up-to-date stash pics, see my post here.

I'd love it if you would post your collections and/or storage solutions on my Facebook page!

Sheila ♥

Dior Collection January 2014

Chanel Collection January 2014

Elevation Polish